September 23
18th Sept 2023
The 2024 Parish Calendar will launch at Deddington Farmers Market on 23rd September 2023. From the 25th September 2023 copies of both the A4 and desktop calendar will be available at:
Deddington Library, Horse Fair, Deddington
Nellie & Dove, Market Place, Deddington
Fennemore Farm Shop, Clifton
August 23
4th August 2023
The Parish Calendar photo competition is now closed to entries!
It's never too early to start taking pictures for the 2024 competition for our 2025 Parish Calendar Images need to be landscape and a minimum of 5Mb, 300dpi, saved as high-quality JPGs. The theme and competition dates are still being finalised and we will update the web page and Facebook soon!
‘Friends News’
The ‘Friends’ have been busy as the photo competition is proving to be very popular and entries for the 2024 parish calendar have been flooding in! The deadline for competition entries is in a few days (4th August) and the entries will then be collated and judged. Winners will be notified and invited to an award ceremony at the library, date TBA so watch our socials!
The 2024 Calendars are due to go on sale at the first farmers market in September so, again, like our Facebook page ' Friends on Facebook' for all the latest updates, or visit us here again and select ‘Parish Calendar’ on the navigation bar!
It is the time of year to schedule our Annual General Meeting (AGM), this is planned for the 2nd week of September and more details will be published soon.
‘Library News’
We are very much looking forward to hosting our FODL patron, award winning author Linda Newbery, for an evening of poetry and prose ‘Our Natural World in Words’. An opportunity to discuss nature in prose and poetry and to share your reflections and favourites. The event is at 7pm, in Deddington Library on the 17th August 2023. This is a free event with cold drinks and nibbles!
The summer reading challenge is in full swing and there have been lots of signups for 2023, good luck to all who have taken on the challenge. We look forward to congratulating all the successful participants in September when the challenge ends on the 9th September.
Visit us here again in September for the latest monthly news updates and follow/like us on Facebook for weekly updates and news.
July 2023
Friends of Deddington Library - Deddington News July 2023
We've a great deal of news to share with you this month. We're very excited to welcome Gail Cripps as the new Deddington library manager. I am sir that many of you will be familiar with Gail, who was a staff member at Deddington some years ago and has provided lots of cover here recently. We very much look forward to working with Gail to ensure the library goes from strength to strength under her management. It is a great resource in our community and the Friends are thrilled to take it forward into a new chapter in it's history, supporting Gail at the helm. Gail recently held a coffee morning in the library for Friends and volunteers. It was a lovely get-together and we hope to have more of these team building events in the future. We're also delighted to welcome on Board Sharon who has taken over our social media management recently, and Jennie Clarke from Accure Financial Ltd , who has volunteered for the role of treasurer. Welcome to you both and thank you so much for joining the team. Last but definitely not least, keep sending in your calendar photo competition entries. We've already received some stunning shots and I'm sure there are plenty more to be taken within the parish, ideally of a recognisable scene. As usual, landscape format, file size no smaller than 5mb and as a .jpg file.
Bryn Williams
Deddington Library - Deddington News July 2023
The Library is gearing up for the Annual Summer Reading Challenge, starting on 8 July and running to 9 September. This is open to all children aged 4-16, with a mini challenge for under-4s. The idea is to read six or more books through the summer holidays, collecting rewards as you go and a certificate and medal at the end. The theme is Ready Set Read! There is also an interactive website with games and book recommendations. This will be my first Challenge after taking over the role of manager and I hope to make it fun for everyone. I have had a very warm welcome from our Deddington readers and look forward to the future.
Gail Cripps.